Up close grilled pork medallion with potato wedges in background

Who we are

The Love Pork website has been created by AHDB, the body responsible for enhancing and supporting the English pig farming industry.

Lovepork.co.uk has been created with the principle aim of providing recipe inspiration to encourage people to cook with pork at home, and to provide information about pork, pork cuts and how healthy pork can be.

Pork is one of four sectors which form part of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, a statutory levy board funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain. Its purpose is to inspire farmers, growers and industry to succeed in a rapidly changing world, in order to increase performance and stimulate demand for their products.

The Love Pork website supports the Red Tractor mark.

White serving platter with soft tortilla tacos filled with pork.

What we do

Our Autumn campaign promotes the delicious taste and versatility of British pork, with inspiring, budget-friendly recipes using economical cuts of pork.

Our January campaign showcases pork’s leaner cuts, demonstrating how quick, easy and delicious these lean pork cuts are and how they are perfect for busy people during the midweek struggle.

The Love Pork social media channels work continuously throughout the year to bring recipe inspiration and cooking advice to consumers who are interested in learning more about pork.

A red tractor ploughing a field

Red Tractor

Red Tractor are the champions of British food, farming and consumer safety and the UK’s biggest farm and food assurance scheme that underpins the high standards of British food & drink. They are the flagship logo of British food and farming, providing assurance at every stage of the production process, from farm to pack. Around 50,000 British farmers are accredited to Red Tractor standards.


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A roast lamb joint with slices of roasted oranges on a chopping board

Simply Beef and Lamb

For more recipe inspiration, visit our sister website Simply Beef and Lamb.

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Chinese pepper steak

Let's Eat Balanced

For information about British meat and dairy’s role in a healthy, balanced and sustainable diet, visit our sister website Let’s Eat Balanced.

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