Cooking belly slices

Typically used for grilling, barbecuing, roasting and slow cooking.

Grilling and Barbecuing
Slices: 1-2cm  8-10 minutes per side
Make sure the grill/griddle is preheated and very hot.
Do not poke or prod.
Cook no longer than the recommended times above.
Allow to stand for a couple of minutes before serving.

Mix together 2tbsp of oil and some seasoning or herbs of your choice and smear over the slices. Arrange in a single layer on a large roasting tin with some root vegetables, cut into wedges. cover and cook in a preheated oven at 180°C, 160°C Fan, Gas Mark 4 for 30mins, uncover for the last 5-10 mins to brown off .

Slow cooking can be done on the hob or in the oven, and allows the meat and vegetables (approx 350g chunky root vegetables and 150ml  liquid (eg stock, wine, cider, beer or water) per 450g of meat) to simmer slowly, ideal for tenderising some of the tougher cuts. Cook in either a large heavy based saucepan or an ovenproof casserole dish with a tight fitting lid.
Stewing is the hob method, for cubes or chinks of meat, in which all the ingredients are cooked in liquid , which when added just covers all the ingredients.
Casseroling is the oven method of stewing and to prevent it drying out should be cooked on a low heat – 170°C, 150°C Fan, Gas Mark 3 for about 1- 1 1/2 hrs).